Thursday, February 26, 2004

Nothing much happened today (or yesterday) but I just wanted to add a post because I am so 'sian3' bored.

I realised a few days ago that Qiaojie (or George) had this book that I had wanted to buy called "1421:the Year China discovered the world" by Gavin Menzies. It's an interesting book because the whole idea of the book is to offer proof that Chinese sailors like Zheng He had travelled not only to Africa and India but also discovered the New World, Australia and New Zealand long before the Western World did.

I noticed this book when I was lying down on his bed as I was listening to a CD that contained 130+ MP3's that belonged to his roommate, Yi Jian. Yi Jian likes many, many types of rock music and Kylie Minogue pop songs for him. On the other hand I listen to nearly the wide spectrum of music, spanning many genres. For example, I listen to hard rock, rap, pop, ballads, instrumental, emsembles etc. I have also enjoyed music in different languages: English, Mandarin, Malay, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, even Arabic. Anyway, I felt really nice listening to some of the loud songs that were blasting out of the speaker because they were songs that I haven't heard in a long, long time, like Tender by Blur and Shimmer by Fuel.

Had my Chemistry test today... it's not as hard as what the Chem teachers usually make it to be, but it's still quite impossible to score good results for it. I hope I can pass?

Oh, another thing is that the Chinese AO results will be out next Thursday or Friday, and sooner or later the PW results as well... But most students that are worrying now are those JC1 students because they keep worrying that they can't stay in TJ (results out tomorrow...)... I don't know how that feels because I had no choice to choose where to go... a bit like being thrown around?

The Hub is closing now...


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