Thursday, October 28, 2004

Wet! Wet! Wet! It has been raining on and off for 5~6 days already! It quite a nuisance sometimes, but I quite enjoy the cool weather now... But seriously, the rain is a bit too much...

And it was precisely on one of the dark, stormy, windy and wet nights that the new batch of Anglican High PRC (People's Republic of China) scholars arrived...... One night (Physics Prac Eve!) they were given a list of names of boarders that they were supposed to get signatures from. So they went around knocking on our doors... They had difficulty, of course, not because we gave them tasks to do etc. but because most of us weren't in our rooms... There was about 6~7 of us in Eric's room eating Rambutans from Kluang.

Anyway, what's interesting about this new batch of scholars is that one of them looks a bit like a teacher in TJ (Hm... if I'm not mistaken, it's Mr. Francis Tay), and another one looked almost identical to Mr. Terence Chiew! Oh my god! If you ask me, I think he's his brother! It's like a young short Terence Chiew. His name is actually Shao4Pu3 but we all prefer to call him Terence, haha.... Actually, we found out that he hasn't got an English name yet... Should I try to upload his photo here? Hmm..... I don't know leh.... don't want to shock everyone....

I've watched the choir CD a few days ago... Inside is a recording (by Mr. Tearle Cheng I presume) of the choir's trip and performances in Europe. Brings back lots of memories.... but sadly the quality isn't very good + we didn't sing very well lah... haha...

Oh! I've got a letter the other day by this association in charge of acquiring and distributing donation blood packs. Finally, after so many years, I know my blood type! So happy! And I was so thrilled that I SMSed my brother for his blood type, which is A+. From these information + the fact my Dad is O and my Mom is A + my blood type is different from my brother's, all you clever people out there should know what my blood type is... Oh, by the way, I'm Rhesus positive as well (+)...

Chem Paper 4 (Practical Exam) is over.... I couldn't manage to finish the Qualitative Analysis part. I've confirm the loss of about 5~6 marks. That's quite OK actually. It was altogether not too difficult and I was glad of that... Paper 4 is 20% of the total marks.

Physics prac was on Monday. All I can say is that I was lucky to do the Mechanics part first, and that made the job fairly easy. Had >15 minutes extra time... Paper 4 is approx. 11% of total marks.

I've put up 3 new photo albums. Check it out!


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