Thursday, December 02, 2004

Finally! Finally I can blog after the A-levels! Many things have been going on... I'll give a chronological update:

27 Nov (Sat) :
Got our testimonials and CCA report today. Honestly, it is just full of flattering comments and exaggerated views about people. Some parts were, in the words of my friend, "cut and paste"... haha...The CCA report is more statistical in nature, so there's not much the teachers can do to boost rankings. I got a 'D' only for my PEARLS points (a way to measure how active you've been in CCAs)... Hope it won't pull me down when I apply to enter U. Oh, there's this part in the testimonial that I love... "effectively bilingual" ... haha...

Someone told me something today, and I just have to repeat: Life is precious and life is uncertain... You'd never know what may happen...

Lunch was at Sumo House... I ate with Wai Kit only another gang had went to Expo. I guess I didn't do much during the afternoon and soon it was time to go out for dinner! Haha... Minh Huong initially wanted a 'farewell barbecue' but in the end we all opted to go Orchard zou3 zou3.
It was sooooooo difficult to find a place to eat (what to expect? Saturday night!). In the end we ate at a more 'ulu' place. The group was rather large (16 people), so it was also difficult to make decisions on what to do, where to go etc. The activity of the day was, in the words of a friend: "go here...oh cannot, cannot!....go there...oh cannot, cannot!:" *sighz* wasted quite a lot of time like this.... In the end however, we got to play pool! I also joined in... you know it's the first time I'm playing it? Got 3 balls in! Haha... I'm trying to learn 'social' games Dai Dee, Bridge, Pool etc. Hope I can go to ECP to roller blade one of these days. Had supper at Simpang Bedok afterwards.

28 Nov (Sun) :
I went to church this morning because I promised Ching Mien about 2 or 3 weeks ago that I'll be going after A-levels. I found out later that he SMSed Wai Kit to make sure I was awake and went to church! Anyway, we (me, Joanna and Wai Kit) went out to Orchard today (again). I brought them to Cineleisure's Subway for lunch coz they never ate there before. Eric came awhile later after sending off Fen Ru to somewhere. Wai Kit was looking everywhere for this 'evangelion' figurine, and he found at Orchard MRT Station's Popular (S$40!!!)...

Went to Heeren HMV, Kinokuniya etc. Bought the newest Sidney Sheldon book at Kinokuniya using vouchers that I bought from Eric, and I somehow got a pair of free movie tickets to watch 'Bridget Jones Diary: The Edge of Reason'! It was going to be screened that night! Argh!!! Had to go back to hostel and come out again. Anyway, when we were at Lido we saw 'Jien' who hosts a number of TV shows, including Malaysian Idol... I still have a S$20 book voucher... what should I buy?

Busy day! Went back to hostel in time for dinner, passed my choir blazer to Melody in exchange for her Geography textbook. Yay! Can study Geog...haha... The movie was going to start at 9.45pm. I found out that the cinema was huge! It was in Shaw Tower by the way. I grab the opportunity to ask Lita out, and she agreed! Hm... I found out from Joanna she usually won't come out after 9pm loh... Anyway, I enjoyed the show (surprisingly, coz I thought it would be a Bimbo show...)... I hope she did too!

29, 30 Nov and 1 Dec :
Finished reading my new book! Thanks to its large text and the fact that I had nothing much else to do... Went bowling with Wai Kit and Jeffrey on the 30th... still cannot make it! I've never been able to reach 100 loh! *sighz*... Didn'e go and play pool with Eric on the 1st because I had already agreed to go to Sim Lim Square long long ago... Yi Cheng bought a PS2! Aiyoh... sooooo expensive!

Singapore Idol: Hmm... I was hoping the Malaysian Idol will perform loh.... she was present but didn't perform. Anyway, Sylvester's singing still needs lots and lots of pruning loh. Taufik was the obvious choice, but I was scared that there were too many silly young teens who rather prefer Singapore to be humiliated on World Idol. But Taufik won! Yeah!!!!


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