Tuesday, December 28, 2004

It's terrible!

A massive earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale occured West of Sumatra early last Sunday morning, and this earthquake (along with the aftershocks) caused tsunamis across the Indian Ocean, Andaman sea and Bay of Bengal. I just watched BBC announcing that there are at least 23,000 deaths in India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia... another report says that an Indonesian officer said that there would probably be 20,000 deaths in Aceh alone. Malaysia has its share as well--Penang was the worse hit. Pray for those who have passed away as well as those that are struggling to survive...

On to more personal stuff... I had a chance to exercise at Tasik Y again last Sunday because my sister wanted to go to the playground there. Anyway, I had just finished doing push-ups when I saw this Malay teen (female) who was sitting at the side of the sandpit, and to my shock much of her underwear was visible to all. To make things worse, it was a G-String! My goodness! What has happened to their Islamic teachings and stuff? I mean, you can go ahead and wear a G-String but why parade your butt in front of so many people, young and old, walking in the park! Aiyoh, really 伤风败俗 loh...

Another thing that has happened these few days is that I've met with many of my alma mater teachers. Like on Sunday, I met with 刘勉秀老师,who was my primary school Chinese teacher and 班主任 for 3 1/2 years. We talked a bit... I approached her first of course, because she wouldn't recognise me! Then yesterday when I went to my secondary school to get my Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM-- basically, Malaysia Certificate of Education). I met my Chinese teacher, 苏雪琪 老师 (I think) and we talked. I also saw Mr. Gan, my Malay teacher; Mr. Jaafar, my Bio teacher; Mr. Najib, my Add Maths teacher; Mdm Goh, my English teacher and Ms. Wong, my Maths teacher (who greeted me before I could even open my mouth!)...haha....

Noticed I've used Chinese here and there... Haha! Finally can blog with Chinese on my own comp! Haha! No need to rely on Jeffrey anymore... *jokes*...


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