Yay! I'm in Jeffrey's room now, afresh after 8 hours of invigorating sleep and happily typing my blog...
This week has so far been boring and busy. I've been slacking around most of the time doing nothing but watch television (and lamenting the fact that I've really nothing to do...). This is especially so after Yi Cheng went home and brought his newly bought PS2 back home. I missed seeing him play Final Fantasy X... Furthermore, Wilson has gone back too, so I can't play The Sims on his Nokia N-Gage as well. I also didn't had to fuss about clothing, hairstyle etc. for graduation night because I didn't attend it. The only thing I was busy doing was packing my stuff. It's quite a tedious job you know... Thinking whether or not to bring back or throw away my stuff etc. In the end I have 7 boxes and I'm kind of worried if I can put them all in my dad's car.
I shall apologize beforehand here for using Chinese and Malay to blog. I've wanted to try it since quite long ago. So let me try it yah? Thank you. Please use unicode to decode the characters...
终于可以用华文来写网记了! 哈哈!
因为新加坡教育部只肯为我们付宿舍住宿费至12月8日, 所以那天以后就得离开宿舍, 否则的话就要自己付住宿费了(听说是一天45新币!)...... 我当然是不肯啦!恰好我的同班同学在一个多月前已经打算到圣淘沙住宿几天 (12月8日~12月10日)。 于是我就立刻答应参与一份...... 为了方便我老爸,我便请他在星期六的时候才来新加坡接我回家。我知道如果我在12月10日的晚上流浪街头, 以手肘当枕头,以天空当棉被的话,一定会有很多人不忍心看到我沦落到那种凄凉的情况。哈哈!所以就厚着脸皮问问有没有人可怜我而肯收留我...... 哈哈......果然,献仁(Jeffrey) 大发慈悲的让出了一张床给我; 现在我才得以用华文写网记啦!多谢啦!我欠你一份人情啦......
这一次到圣淘沙应该是我头一次吧!原本打算好好的享受一下夏日风情的海滩生活,哪知道这几天的天空都是阴沉沉的,甚至还下了雨...... 不过没关系,至少我现在比较有资格玩Dai Dee 和 Bridge。Luis 还教了我们玩他称为A**hole Dai Dee的游戏。蛮好玩的哦!而且可以很多人一起玩...... 我也学会了简单的麻将玩法。哈哈,真是获益匪浅!除了玩牌,我们也到Palawan Beach去打排球。还算OK啦...... Kai Leong因为有Corporate Pass, 所以我们都不须要付$3.00的入门费。晚餐与午餐我们有时候便回到‘新加坡大陆’的Harbourfront去解决。
Oh! Saya sudah lupa tentang aktiviti 'berbasikal malam' (night cycling) baru-baru ini. Hanya saya, Joanna, Yi Jian, Yi Cheng, Kok Vui dan Ching Mien pergi. Saya sebenarnya takut kalau gadis-gadis kat asrama ingin pergi bersama kerana mereka tentu kayuh perlahan dan kami terpaksalah tunggu mereka. Nasib baik hanya Joanna yang teguh fizikal pergi bersama kami. East Coast Park ialah destinasi pertama kami. Selepas itu, kami telah pergi ke Suntec, Esplanade dan Orchard. Selepas itu kami pun berpatah balik ke asrama. Tak rasa letih pun! Haha...
OK. That's all for now. The next time I blog should be around next Saturday...
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