Saturday, November 25, 2006

Exam update

It's kinda like halfway through the exam period now. I had Fluid Mechanics and German level 2 on Wednesday... Fluid Mechanics was quite standard, many people think it was easier than last semester. I'm hoping for a A- only though. German could have been easier, but because I spent more time focusing on Fluids I didn't spend enough time studying German.

Then on Friday I had the much dreaded Circuits and Electronics. Many of us were already struggling with understanding the concepts and calculations and yet they cut the examination time down to 2 hours from 2.5 hours! So, needless to say, it was a struggle. Skipped the first 2 questions and did the second half first (Electronics), which was much easier. But I was kinda frustrated because I spent so much time studying Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) and clamping and clipping circuits and it didn't come out! I had a difficult time with the circuit analysis part. Hoping for the best... but I'll be contented with a B+.

Next up, Maths 3, Business Finanace and Aerospace Dynamics!

**** ****

Bought many new books recently... Freakonomics, The World is Flat, Blink (bought these 3 in a set at Popular... discounted price!). Then yesterday after I went to collect my race pack for Standard Chartered's Marathon I bought The Inheritance of Loss (Winner of the Man Booker Prize Award 2006) at MPH. Then I travelled to Orchard to buy Why We Want You to be Rich (by Donald Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki) at Borders. Wanted to buy Cook with Jamie (by Jamie Oliver) but it was too expensive... so I'll put that away for some time...

Many more books to come! Man I need to start doing more URECA research to get the money. Haha...


At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah..that's a lot of books man. I borrow? hehe


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