Thursday, May 03, 2007

crazy AE2011

Ok, so it was supposed to be a happy day for most Year 2 Aerospace Engineering students but it was rather a disaster. AE2011 - Introduction to Aircraft Design and Manufacturing, I must say, was one hell of an exam. The exam constitutes 60% of overall marks, with the remaining 40% based on our 2 projects that we have toiled (and "wasted" a lot of time) to complete during this semester.

I would've thought they might've let us easy on the exam but they didn't! Sure, they allowed us to bring in our own double-sided A4 "cheat sheet" ("restricted open book" they call it), but there was simply not enough time. Seriously! No one I asked so far (Pontus, Ge Yao, Kok Vui, Kelvin...) completed the paper in time. It was also rather unbalanced, with a isometric view drawing (which takes quite some time to draw properly) having the same marks (7 marks) as a simple calculation question (which took like... 5~7 minutes?). And a lot of writing work. Simply not enough time. Oh well, guess they'll have to moderate down then. Btw the cheat sheet wasn't very useful. Sheesh.

from website

Swedish meatballs (centre), potatoes (right), lingonberries (left) and cream sauce (rather "cheesy"... I like!)

Anyway, after all that we decided to follow Pontus to IKEA for some Swedish Meatballs. Oh btw, Pontus is this exchange student in our course from Sweden (full name: Pontus Erik Victor Karlsson... but we just call him Karlsson). He said the Swedes pronounce it as "ee-kee-ya"(actually, if you know Hanyu Pinyin, it was "yi3 ki4 ya2"). He's leaving tomorrow though. Anyway, the meatballs were great... first time eating them. Looking forward to try more European fare when I'm in Europe (hopefully).

So the holidays have officially started for me but it ain't gonna be free and easy... lots of stuff planned out already... Blog about it another time... Ciaoz!


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