Saturday, June 16, 2007

National Chinese Debate Competition (Malaysia) and 华仁中学

Ok I suppose I should blog this in Chinese, but lazy lah =P Anyway, this is actually some old news. Wai Kit told me that Batu Pahat's 华仁中学 won the National Chinese Debate Competition. Well well well... it was not my school, but nevertheless, I believe the capabilities of fellow BP friends/juniors. The surprising thing was that Wai Kit said his Alma Mater, 公教中学 (which has churned out national and international chinese debaters for many many years), didn't even get into the national level.

华仁中学。。。Although I didn't get a chance to study there it still remains in a part of my memory. I stayed there for a few nights under a 生活营 programme during primary school, which they also used to promote their school to us. You see, 华中 (the simplified version of 华仁中学) is an independant school, and as such, to study there you'll need to pay school fees, whereas you don't have to in national schools. Also, the syllabus and medium of instruction is all Mandarin, except for language subjects. Instead of studying Form 1 to Form 6 (7 years altogether) and taking PMR, SPM and STPM, students there study 初中 高中 (6 years) and take 统考. That's why those 独中生 who come to Singapore to study are younger than their 国中生 counterparts.

One thing I kinda regretted not trying out is to take their entrance test... Wonder how I would've scored? Haha... Btw if you had taken it in primary 5 and were accepted, you'll be able to skip one year of primary 6. But if I had gone in, I wonder what different type of life I would be living now... Possible scenarios include becoming more "Chinese" and playing basketball. Lol. But I would've been struggling also lah... because I'm not very good at Chinese, relatively speaking.


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