Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dunno why I feel like blogging so often nowadays. Anyway, went to the Germany embassy on Tuesday morning to settle my Germany Student Visa. Thank goodness everything went smoothly and I could complete the application in one go. There were many documents they required... passport, specific type of photos, a letter from the bank certifying that my parents can support me, letter from NTU, letter from TUM... *phew* now all I have to do is wait...

**** **** **** ****

Went for supper the other day with my roomie Eric. Had Roti Canai aka Roti Prata + Horlick Beng (Iced Horlicks). To be more precise I had 1 Roti Telur (Egg) and 1 Roti Telur Bawang (Egg Onion). I'm blogging this coz I'm really glad I finally get to eat these stuff after coming back from China! And when I go to Germany I'll have to say goodbye to them again... *sob*

Roti Canai Telur + Kuah (sauce) + Horlick Beng

Curry!!!! Yum yum. How am I ever gonna survive in Germany??!!


At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee.. and that only the first contact with German bureaucracy... there will be a lot more documents once you are here... or there, since Munich is in Bavaria which is not really Germany but that is a different story :-p


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